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MAO Late X EMPRES - Alternative Futures

25 April 2024
6:00 pm
10:00 pm

This MAO Late is programmed in collaboration with Oxford Universities EMPRES (Electronic Music Practice Research) Collective.

Together we present a showcase of performances and workshops, exploring the boundaries between music, art and technology devised in response to Frieda Toranzo Jaeger’s exhibition. Join us for a night of experiment, music and conversation. Don’t miss our special drinks and refreshments prices in the Café all evening. 

Free, booking essential

Modern Art Oxford Friends and Patrons are invited to start the evening with an exclusive curator-led tour of Frieda Torazo Jaeger: A future in the light of darkness. Click here to join as a Friend or Patron today to attend the tour and other events like it. Support Modern Art Oxford. See things differently.

Friends and supporters should RSVP to to receive confirmation of their place on the tour and ticket to the Late.

This event is sponsored by Lavazza.

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