Barbara Steveni: I Find Myself, is now open. Find out more and plan your visit.

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Patrons are integral to Modern Art Oxford, helping the organisation to deliver a world-class, inclusive artistic programme with a truly local bearing.  They form part of an exceptional community of supporters and enjoy a range of benefits throughout the year. 

“What I really love about my involvement with Modern Art Oxford is that I can support the organisation’s vital work with artists, audiences and communities while developing my knowledge of contemporary art, with unrivalled access to artists, international art events, institutions and exclusive private collections, in a way that is fun and exciting.” MAO Supporter, 2023


Invitations to all preview dinners

Invitations to curator-led exhibition tours

VIP morning at Frieze Art Fair

Access to limited editions

Access to international art trips

International trips are on a first come, first served basis with priority given to Commissioning and Director’s Circle members. Trips incur additional costs not covered by membership.

With thanks to

Our Patrons, Ronán & Róisín Allen, Malgosia Alterman, Kirsty Anson, Hussein Barma, Nicholas Berwin, Marie Boyle, Jacqueline Bowman, Jacqueline Chilton, Helen Chung-Halpern, Sandra Clarke, Loraine da Costa, Peter & Manina Dicks, Sarah Lee Elson, Natalie Fellowes, Iva Fattorini, Pravin Fernando, Didi & Peter Forster, Jessica & Peter Frankopan, Joanna Gemes, Toby & Jennifer Greenbury, Emilie Gregg, William & Christine Hanway, Victoria Harper, Andrea Hartley, David Isaac, Geoffrey & Anne-Marie Isaac, Lara James, Marcelle Joseph, Judith Keeling, Martin Kemp, Audrey Klein, Cecilia Akerman Kressner, David & Karen Korn, Anthony & Jenny Loehnis, Liza Lovdahl-Gormsen, Elizabeth McCarthy, Anne Millais, Flavia Nespatti, Maureen Paley, Midge Palley, Jennifer Park, Gisele Phillips, Tim Robinson & Daniela Colaiacovo, Paul Smith, John & Lucy Stopford, Ruth Swain, Andy Verschoyle, Gareth Williams, Sarah Wiseman, Tom Woo, and those who wish to remain anonymous.