Barbara Steveni: I Find Myself, is now open. Find out more and plan your visit.

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Barbara Steveni: I Find Myself

1 March
8 June 2025
Free, no booking required

Uncover female stories and explore the social impact of art through the life and work of artist-activist Barbara Steveni.

Pioneering and influential, Steveni often worked outside the art gallery creating artworks that were multidisciplinary and research based, and often took place without its participants realising. Visit I Find Myself to see some of her most influential works come back to life through restagings and artist interventions.

With a career spanning seventy years, Steveni was influential on many artists of different generations. Explore the galleries where some of Steveni’s key collaborators and those influenced by her career create new commissions responding to her work. New commissions come from Laure Prouvost, Anne Bean and Eloise Hawser.

This first retrospective exhibition of Steveni’s work is co-curated by Gareth Bell-Jones and Jo Melvin.

Barbara Steveni: I Find Myself is generously supported by the Henry Moore Foundation, The Ampersand Foundation, Knotenpunkt, Flat Time House, the Estate of Barbara Steveni and Lisson Gallery

Henry Moore Foundation
The Ampersand Foundation
Flat Time House