Discover our current exhibition Back Toward Oneness. Our new exhibition, Barbara Steveni: I Find Myself  will open on Saturday 1 March.

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

1. Modern Art Oxford aims for equality of opportunity for everyone who uses, visits, works in and works for Modern Art Oxford and we will provide services and develop employment practices accordingly.

2. Modern Art Oxford is committed to developing policies and practices, and fostering behaviours that actively promote equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion and will ensure these are effectively implemented and promoted across the organisation.

3. Modern Art Oxford’s governing council (‘Council of Management’) and its Senior Management Team seek to ensure the organisation is an inclusive place to work and welcomes applications from all sections of the community and from people at all stages of their life. Decisions related to the recruitment, employment, training, progression and retention of staff are underpinned by the principles of equality of opportunity. All members of staff and applicants to the organisation will be treated equally regardless of age, disability, sex, gender, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic background.

4. Modern Art Oxford is committed to providing a working environment free from harassment and bullying which supports the right of all staff and visitors to be treated with respect and will take action against members of staff who discriminate against, harass or bully individuals with whom they come into contact in the course of their employment.

5. Where possible, we take positive action to encourage under-represented groups to apply for employment opportunities. Recruitment decisions are based strictly on merit.

6. Modern Art Oxford seeks to ensure that its artistic programmes are inclusive and take due account of the experiences and interests of all groups including, but not limited to, women, ethnic/national minority groups, lesbians and gay men, transgender and non-gender identifying individuals, people from all age groups and socio-economic backgrounds, and disabled people. We seek to ensure that all programmed activities and venue facilities are accessible and welcoming to all sections of the community.

7. The Council of Management will monitor and review the organisation’s policies and procedures regularly through its Equality Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, in order to ensure that the above objectives are being successfully developed and pursued.

8. As a public art gallery, we are dependent for our success on the full involvement of users and visitors and as an employer, Modern Art Oxford recognises its moral and legal responsibility to promote equal opportunities. Modern Art Oxford recognises the creative case for diversity, equality and inclusion and that the pursuit of equality of opportunity is essential for a thriving and professional working environment.