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Young Creatives Collective - A workshop with Valerie Asiimwe Amani

06 November 2023

Boundary Encounters artist, Valerie Asiimwe Amani joined our Young Creatives Collective for a workshop exploring co-creation, idea generation and concept development. The Young Creatives had previously watched Amani’s live performance on the 16 September, and had explored her exhibition space, Mkutano // A place for us. 

In this workshop, Amani discussed her journey when creating her artworks, sharing readings and resources with the group. With Amani’s help, the Young Creatives started experimenting with different methods for developing ideas collaboratively. 

“My words are the most important things I own.” – Valerie Asiimwe Amani

Prompted to write from the perspectives of inanimate objects in the gallery, Young Creatives Alex, Polina, Zola, Anna and Thea collaboratively responded to the task. Discover them below.

A graphic with writing on reading: Ceiling Beam All day watching, listening, observing. It has been so long since anything has reached me. Holding it all up was a source of pride once, then a burden, now simply a part of life. I serve a purpose that no one else can do, and no light needs to shine on me for that to happen. Although I will never reach the ground, I will reach out nonetheless.
A graphic with typewriter style text reading: The Projector Sees people as negative space silhouettes walking past, interrupting the projections. Does it mind? Speaks with light and colour Creator of silent sound Cloud like and hovering above heads of observer.
A graphic with typewriter style text reading: Cup When you put me to your lips, I find out things that no one else could ever know. The depths of a person’s greatest tool. Their mouth. Their speech. I see the ideas left behind on the tip of your tongue. Those that never saw the light of day And once you put me down In those blissful seconds before you forget my existence and walk away That is when I begin to cry Because in that moment I know that you are better than anyone else in the world
A black and white graphic with typewriter style text reading: I am a Speaker Everyday I act as a vessel for people to be educated, inspired or relaxed. I enjoy all of the sounds which I project and I am never bored. I love to watch the varied reactions of listeners who walk around the room, admiring installations and artwork.
A black and white graphic with typewriter text reading: I provide myself so you can see. I am a glow, artificially created to mirror the rays of the sun. Letting you witness all of the wonder inside.

The Young Creatives will have a display at Modern Art Oxford in 2024.

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