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Complaints procedure

If a visitor has any reason for complaint about Modern Art Oxford we would like to hear about it to enable us to improve our service to all of our visitors.

Verbal complaints
Verbal complaints can be made to any member of staff who will try to sort things out directly, or will contact someone who can, usually the Duty Manager.

Formal complaints
If a verbal complaint cannot be resolved satisfactorily, or a written complaint is made in the first instance, this will be regarded as a formal complaint.

In order to deal effectively with formal complaints, we require the following information from the person making the complaint:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Details of complaint
  • Details of any suggested remedy

We will respond to all complaints.  We aim to send an initial acknowledgement (by email or post) within three working days and a full response to complaints within 10 working days of receipt.  If we cannot respond fully within 10 working days, we will keep you informed on the progress of the investigation.

We try to put things right the first time, but if it is necessary to take the matter further, the complaint can be forwarded to and reviewed by the Chair of the Council of Management (Trustees).

How to contact us

Speak to a person
Please contact the Duty Manager

Email us

Phone us
01865 722333

Write to us
Modern Art Oxford
30 Pembroke Street
OX1 1BP 

What to expect when making a complaint
All complaints are taken very seriously and we will talk to you at every stage so that you understand what is going on.


The outcome may be that Modern Art Oxford reviews or changes a decision, or it may be that the complaint is not supported or upheld.

This could be because we have investigated the complaint and no fault was found or that the service has been modified to reflect the complaint and no further action can be taken.


Your complaint will be treated in line with our Data Protection Policy. It may be necessary for the person investigating the complaint to speak with workers involved, so that they can carry out a thorough and fair investigation.