Barbara Steveni: I Find Myself, is now open. Find out more and plan your visit.

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Artists’ Fees & Remuneration

The Real Living Wage

Modern Art Oxford is a Real Living Wage employer and we regularly benchmark our salaries and fees with other not-for-profit arts organisations to ensure our staff, programme participants and contracted freelance suppliers are paid properly. 

Volunteering & Placements

Modern Art Oxford volunteers play an invaluable role in providing a welcoming and excellent visitor experience, as well as assisting by invigilating our exhibitions and events, supporting a wide range of projects and contributing to the culture by participating actively in the organisation.  We recognise that volunteering is not an option for everyone and look to offer meaningful professional development, training and remunerated work whenever possible, with some volunteers going on to paid employment in the sector where this is an ambition.  We offer a limited number of paid intern schemes which prioritise under-represented groups developing their careers in the sector.

Artists’ Fees

Artists are central to the values and work of Modern Art Oxford. We exist to provide opportunities for creative growth and support, critical development and public engagement, that are essential for artists. Our financial investment in artists extends beyond the costs involved in the production of exhibitions and projects but includes travel expenses and accommodation, reimbursement for caring costs, special access needs as individual circumstances require. We believe that artists must be properly remunerated in line with sector guidelines for their time and expertise, and are committed to being transparent about our programming and fees policy as a not-for-profit, publicly funded charity.

Modern Art Oxford does not pay artists a uniform, fixed hourly or daily rate, recognising the different ways in which artists may be involved in or contribute to our artistic programme and the different types of content creation we commission from artists. We also recognise that we work with a wide range of artists with different skills and experience and in a variety of contexts, where different levels of payment are required. All fees agreed with artists form part of programme budgets and are agreed with the artist at the point of engagement and confirmed in writing.

In line with recommended current remuneration guidelines, during 2024/25 FY, we pay artists on a spectrum depending on experience and context on a day rate of £200 for a new graduate or early stage career artist to £350 for mid-career artists for commissions, residencies and community projects.  Solo commissioning exhibition fees are typically £3,000 to £4,000. Modern Art Oxford reviews artists’ fees and salaries on an annual basis in line with sectoral benchmarks and best practice guidance