Capture the moment! | Encounters Studio drawing prompts

Bright pink with an illustration of two people sitting next to one another on separate park benches, they have a conversation. Words read: Draw a conversation with a stranger.
Draw a conversation with a stranger - MAO Studio cover

How can drawing help to make visible our everyday moments of community, connection and exchange?

Use these Encounters Studio downloadable drawing prompts to capture and share your everyday encounters. Explore them from the screen on your device, print them out for daily creative inspiration, or as a fun drawing game!

You can create your drawings from home, at the gallery or wherever you are. Explore our digital drawing tips and resources, or use whatever materials you have to hand.

If you like, you can submit your work to our Encounters Studio online graphic novel, by clicking here.

Part creative research, part collaborative graphic novel, Encounters Studio is a participatory drawing project taking place throughout our summer exhibition Boundary Encounters

These drawing prompts are created with Encounters Studio Digital Associate, Jada Bruney. Take part in Encounters Studio at Modern Art Oxford and online until 29 October 2023.

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