Welcome to the forest
The forest is all you can see
Branches reach up and out and below and sideways.
You are surrounded by futures, stories, ‘what if?’, possibilities.
Nurture the forest by creating… write a story or ask ‘what if?’
Explore the forest by reading stories or questions written by others.
The forest invites you in…

Nurture the forest
Each branch in this forest is a story, each story explores a different reality.
Grow a branch, imagine a possible world
Explore the forest
Delve into the branches and lose yourself in stories written by others.
You’re always invited to add to an existing story.
Comment below any story to ask a question, offer another path to branch off.

Ask ‘What if?’
All stories are sparked by a ‘what if?’, a question that invites you to imagine a world where things are different.
Plant a seed of what could be.
Explore ‘What if?’
Some ‘what ifs?’ have grown many branches, and some are seeds just planted, questions asked and not yet answered.
Respond to a ‘what if? asked by someone else.
Explore the worlds others have imagined.

Tune into your surroundings
The team behind branch have curated some sounds of the forest.
When you're ready to leave us

This is branch
A playful, collaborative and co-authored artwork set in a forest of possible worlds, where everyone is invited to write an interactive story about what might come next.