Barbara Steveni: I Find Myself, is now open. Find out more and plan your visit.

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Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a gift to Modern Art Oxford in your will, after taking care of friends and family, allows you to make a lasting contribution to the institution you care about.  It also provides the vital income that will enable Modern Art Oxford to continue delivering transformative visual art experiences for everyone, well into the future.  

If you are considering leaving a gift in your will, thank you!  Legacies can support specific areas of activity, for example the production costs of an exhibition or a series of workshops which aim to introduce contemporary art to new audiences, or go towards general charitable purposes.  Please contact to discuss further.  Modern Art Oxford cannot offer legal advice, we recommend you seek the support of professional services. 

Modern Art Oxford would like to thank all those who have decided to become Legacy Donors of the gallery. It is through their generosity that we can ensure the gallery’s work continues for generations to come.

Modern Art Oxford would like to thank all those who have decided to become Legacy Donors of the gallery. It is through their generosity that we can ensure the gallery’s work continues for generations to come.