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Gift Aid FAQs

Terms and Conditions 

Friends £30 / £60 (£7.50 benefit)  

Single Friends membership is non-transferable, for the named Friend.

Joint Friends membership must be shared by two people at the same address.  

Payment is made annually, in advance.  If you would like to discuss payment in instalments, please contact

For Gift Aid, £25 represents a donation, unconditional and unrestricted, made in support of Modern Art Oxford’s charitable purposes.  VAT is included within the £30 total payment.  

Friends of Modern Art Oxford are sent a welcome letter and membership card in the post.  If you do not receive your welcome pack or lose your card, please contact

All Friends of Modern Art Oxford enjoy the following benefits:

  • Gift upon joining: badge and Modern Art Oxford anniversary catalogue* 
  • Free entry to paid exhibitions for named Friend
  • Early booking opportunities on selected events
  • Invitations to out-of-hours curator-led exhibition tours
  • 10% discount in the Shop and Café (excludes limited editions)
  • Increased discount of 20% in the Shop on exhibition preview weekends and at late opening events.

*Anniversary catalogue must be collected from the gallery and can be claimed at any time, in person with proof of membership.

Supporters: Patrons (£500), Director’s Circle (£2,500), Commissioning Circle Supporters (£5,000)

Patrons benefits are for the named Patron only.  

Joint Patron benefits must be shared by two people at the same address.  

Director’s and Commissioning Circle benefits are for two people, either at the same address or for the named holder + guest.  

Payment is made annually, in advance.  If you would like to discuss payment in instalments, please contact

For Gift Aid, the donation is split between a suggested voluntary donation and the cost of benefits (incl. VAT) as follows:

Patrons – £350 voluntary donation; £150 benefits

Joint Patrons – £700 voluntary donation; £300 benefits

Director’s Circle – £1,750 voluntary donation; £750 benefits

Commissioning Circle – £4,250 voluntary donation; £750 benefits

Benefits can be purchased separately at the price indicated above.  Any amount given over and above this minimum price is classed as a donation, unconditional and unrestricted in support of Modern Art Oxford’s charitable purposes.  Supporter benefits as follows:

Patrons £500 / £1,000 (£150 / £300 benefits; £350 / £700 voluntary donation)

  • Invitations to 3-4 VIP exhibition preview events throughout the year
  • Invitations to curator-led exhibition tours
  • VIP morning at Frieze London Art Fair
  • Advance notice of limited edition sales
  • Advance notice of  international art trips

Director’s Circle £2,500 (£750 benefits; £1,750 voluntary donation)

  • Invitations to 3-4 VIP exhibition preview events throughout the year
  • Invitations to curator-led exhibition tours
  • Invitations to private collection and artist studio visits
  • VIP day at Frieze London Art Fair  
  • Priority viewing on all limited editions
  • Priority booking on international trips

Commissioning Circle £5,000 (£750 benefits; £4,250 voluntary donation)

  • Invitations to exclusive events with exhibiting artists, in the company of Modern Art Oxford Director  
  • Invitation to 3-4 VIP exhibition preview events throughout the year
  • Invitations to curator-led exhibition tours
  • Invitations to private collection and artist studio visits VIP day at Frieze London Art Fair 
  • Priority viewing on all limited editions
  • Priority booking on international trips

Friends and Supporter donations are made annually, in advance.  Benefits cannot be accrued over nor across years and are offered either for the named person only in the case of Patrons or for the two named persons at the same address or one named person plus guest in the case of Joint Patrons, Director’s and Commissioning Circle supporters.  

Modern Art Oxford reserves the right to modify benefits, ensuring that all supporters are duly notified.  Refunds are not given on the grounds of changed benefits.  

Once you have chosen to become a Supporter of Modern Art Oxford and payment at the corresponding level has been received, you will be emailed a letter of acknowledgement detailing the amount received and when, and the split between donation and benefit, for the purposes of gift aid as applicable.  This letter is an acknowledgement of the agreement entered into between you, the supporter, and Modern Art Oxford, the charity (registered charity number 313035).  Donations are made without fear nor favour.  Friends’ of Modern Art Oxford receive a welcome email and a letter of acknowledgement by post. 

The Friend/Supporter has the right to a 14 day cooling off period, during which time they may request a refund provided that no benefits have been claimed.   Any request for refund within the cooling off period will be dealt with in a timely manner, if a response and/or refund is not received within 30 days please email Outside of this 14 day cooling off period, donations will not be refunded, nor suspended.  

Modern Art Oxford adheres to fundraising regulation and best practice and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.  

Donations can be made by BACS  or online and will be acknowledged in a timely manner.  If an acknowledgement is not received within 14 days, please contact  Your donation will never be publicly acknowledged without your consent and payment details will never be retained.   

When signing up as a Supporter for the first time, you will be invited to complete a Joiners’ Form either online or attached in an email and invited to complete a Gift Aid declaration. You can join as a Friend online or in person at the Modern Art Oxford Shop by filling in a Friend joiners card. Gift Aid is claimed on all eligible donations as outlined above and further information can be found in our Gift Aid FAQs here.  

Payments made online are processed through trusted third party platforms, GoCardless (Direct Debit) or Stripe (one-off) through Modern Art Oxford’s CRM Donorfy.  They will never disclose payment details and Modern Art Oxford will not be held liable for any breach of third party security nor of its own where all due care has been taken to protect the information of private individuals.  You can read Modern Art Oxford’s Privacy Policy here.  Modern Art Oxford will never make changes to the frequency or amount of a direct debit without prior notice, nor is it responsible for the cancellation of a Direct Debit payment.  You can read more about the Direct Debit Guarantee here.  

In all cases Modern Art Oxford will seek to address concerns/complaints/disputes in a timely manner and always within 30 days, and with due regard and respect for the individual in the interests of reaching a solution that is agreeable to all parties.  Please see here for more details on Modern Art Oxford’s Complaints Procedure.  


What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a government scheme that enables charities to claim an additional 25p on every pound donated at no extra cost to the individual.

How does it help the organisation?

Gift Aid allows the charity to increase the value of your donation at no additional cost to you.  These funds are then reinvested in the charitable purposes of the organisation, allowing them to fulfil their vision.  

What has this got to do with me?   How do I know if my donation is eligible?

If you are a UK taxpayer and your donation is not more than four times what you have paid in tax in that financial year,  your donation can be Gift Aided.

What do I have to do?

If you are a UK taxpayer and happy for your donation to be Gift-Aided, you must fill in a Gift Aid form or declaration, ensuring that it is clearly signed and dated.  In signing the declaration you acknowledge that you are a UK taxpayer and it is your responsibility to notify the organisation if your situation changes and they can no longer claim GIft Aid on your donations.

Once I have signed the GIft Aid declaration, is it permanent?

The Gift Aid declaration enables the charity to boost your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you.  This applies to any other donation made by you in the previous four tax years from the date of signature; and any future donations.  The certificate is valid until such  a time as you notify the charity that your circumstances have changed.   

Can I stop Gift Aid at any time?

You can notify the charity of your change in circumstances and/or request for gift aid claims in your name to cease at any point.  However, for as long as you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid can be claimed at no additional cost to you and with significant benefit to the organisation.

How does it benefit me?

As a UK taxpayer it is possible that you will also receive a financial return on your donation.  The charity cannot advise on tax matters and you must refer to a tax accountant. The charity must specify the amount on which Gift Aid was claimed and provide written confirmation for you to be able to evidence the donation to the tax accountant and HMRC.  

If I give the certificate to my tax accountant is that enough?

No, the signed and dated Gift Aid certificate must be returned to the charity and is for their purposes only.  Without it they cannot claim Gift Aid.  A letter of acknowledgement and/or receipt as proof of the donation on headed paper, addressed to you from the charity should be sufficient for your tax accountant and tax return.  If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all of your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment Tax Return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

Do I get any special perks?

Many charities will want to thank their supporters by offering a range of tailored benefits.  These still need to comply with Gift Aid rules and are either ring-fenced and distinct from the donation on which Gift Aid is claimed or folded into the donation but cannot exceed 25% on the first £100 donation plus 5% of any donation £101  and above, up to a total benefit cap of £2,500.  

What does the organisation do with my information and records?

The organisation is legally bound to store your information securely and in compliance with both GDPR and HMRC regulations.  For the purposes of Gift Aid, certificates must be securely stored for six years.