Make Play is Modern Art Oxford’s early years programme for 0-5 year olds and their grownups to play and discover together.
Make Play at Home invites you to keep making and playing alongside each other at home. Our Make Play at Home activities are easy to do and can be made at home using only common items found around the house.
Follow along using the instructions below or download our PDF instructions here.
This week: Rice Snakes!
What do we need?
- Old pair of tights
- A bag of rice
- A funnel
- A pair of scissors

What do we do?
- Cut across the tights to make 2 very long socks.
- Use a funnel to pour rice into one of your long socks until it’s 1/3 full.
- Tie a very tight knot at the open end.

How do we use it?
- Holding it upside down and letting the rice slowly move from one end to the other, enjoy the way it moves and sounds.
- Drag it or move it around the floor like a giant snake, try going over things and under things.
- Twirl it up and mould it to make different shapes*

*Make sure not to put the tights around your neck.
Things to try:
- Make smaller rice snakes in socks, can you build them up into a tower?
- Add features made from coloured tape or felt to make them look like creatures.
- Try putting other textured things in with the rice, what about pompoms or bouncy balls?

As a charity, our at-home digital projects are only made possible by your generous support.