Lubaina Himid: Invisible Strategies

Modern Art Oxford presents the first major survey exhibition by British artist Lubaina Himid. One of the pioneers of the British Black Arts Movement, Himid first came to prominence in the 1980s when she began organising exhibitions of work by her peers, whom she felt were under-represented in the contemporary art scene. Himid’s work challenges the stereotypical depictions of black figures in art history, foregrounding the contribution of the African diaspora to Western culture.

Invisible Strategies brings together a wide range of Himid’s paintings from the 1980s to the present day, as well as sculptures, ceramics and works on paper. The exhibition opens with Himid’s monumental Freedom and Change, 1984, which appropriates and transforms the female figures from Picasso’s Two Women Running on the Beach (The Race), 1922, into black women, powerfully and humorously subverting one of the most canonical paintings in Western art history. Containing many works shown for the first time in decades alongside pieces never-before seen in a public gallery, this exhibition highlights Himid’s consistently thought-provoking and distinctive visual style.

Download the Exhibition Notes here: Lubaina Himid Invisible Strategies Exhibition Notes

Download the Activity Sheet here: Lubaina Himid: Invisible Strategies – Activity Sheet

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Visit the Project Space, next to the Modern Art Oxford Shop, which has been transformed into a Resources & Ideas room. Leave us your comments, read a book on Lubaina Himid’s work, or create a drawing to take away.

To significantly raise the profile of this important artist, Modern Art Oxford, Spike Island and Nottingham Contemporary are running concurrent presentations of Himid’s work from January 2017.

Invisible Strategies is supported by the Arts Council England Strategic Touring Fund.