Re-visit: Unsettling Narratives with Uncomfortable Oxford

Watch this Q&A and Exhibition Tour with Uncomfortable Oxford to journey through the fascinating works of Mexican artist Mariana Castillo Deball. This event took place online on 25 November 2020 and welcomed Paula Larsson, Olivia Durand and Waqas Mirza from the Uncomfortable Oxford team. Founded by academics, Uncomfortable Oxford is dedicated to highlighting uncomfortable histories… Continue reading Re-visit: Unsettling Narratives with Uncomfortable Oxford

Re-Visit: In Conversation – Kazem Hakimi & James Attlee

Alongside photographer Kazem Hakimi’s exhibitionPortraits from a Chip Shop (Modern Art Oxford, 2 May — 2 July 2017), we hosted a public conversation between Hakimi and author and journalist James Attlee. Hakimi reveals his influences, early inspirations and the processes behind his practice. James Attlee lives in Oxford and is the author of Isolarion: A Different… Continue reading Re-Visit: In Conversation – Kazem Hakimi & James Attlee