Curators in Conversation: Monica Sjöö

Monica Sjöö, Meeting the Ancestors at Avebury, 1993. Courtesy Monica Sjöö Estate and Alison Jacques, London. © Monica Sjöö Estate. Photo by Albin Dahlström/Moderna Museet

Watch co-curators of Monica Sjöö: The Great Cosmic Mother, Jo Widoff and Amy Budd, discussing Sjöö’s life and work.

Watch – Platform Graduate Award: Starting out as an artist in 2021

What’s it like to be an early career artist in such turbulent times? In this video, watch a recording of our Platform Graduate Award artists speaking honestly and positively about graduating from art school and their plans for the future. The event which took place on Thursday 28 October 2021 featured Fetine Sel Tuzel, Bevan… Continue reading Watch – Platform Graduate Award: Starting out as an artist in 2021

Watch: Samson Kambalu meets Alayo Akinkugbe of Instagram’s @ablackhistoryofart

When Cambridge Art History student Alayo Akinkugbe created her @ablackhistoryofart Instagram account, she was responding to her own “frustration at the lack of Black representation” in her degree. The project garnered interest from around the world and she now has over fifty thousand followers of her feed, which highlights overlooked black artists, sitters, curators and… Continue reading Watch: Samson Kambalu meets Alayo Akinkugbe of Instagram’s @ablackhistoryofart

Watch: McKenzie Wark on the Situationist International

Discover the Situationists with writer McKenzie Wark On 8 June 2021, New York-based writer McKenzie Wark joined us for a fascinating online conversation with artist Samson Kambalu. In this online event, Wark responds to Samson Kambalu’s exhibition, focusing on Kambalu’s research into détournement, a practice developed by the intriguing French avant-garde group, the Situationist International. Part of… Continue reading Watch: McKenzie Wark on the Situationist International

Watch: Samson Kambalu in Conversation

Hear from the artist Samson Kambalu in this lively talk On 25 May 2021, a fascinating online discussion took place between the artist Samson Kambalu and Emma Ridgway, Chief Curator at Modern Art Oxford. Part of the Humanities Cultural Programme at TORCH, watch the full event below for behind-the-scenes insights into New Liberia, Kambalu’s major exhibition… Continue reading Watch: Samson Kambalu in Conversation

Re-visit: Spaces In/between online panel discussion

What does it mean to come together online in the current climate? Re-visit our online discussion from 20 October 2020, which explored concepts of community and care in online spaces. Our panel of artists, activists and researchers responded to ideas of individualism, collectivity and care performed through digital technology. With thanks to writer Orit Gat,… Continue reading Re-visit: Spaces In/between online panel discussion