Director’s Cut: March

Paul Hobson

This is the first in a new series of monthly blogs in which Paul Hobson, Director of Modern Art Oxford, reflects on current developments in contemporary art. ‘Without a doubt one of the most significant and widespread developments that can be seen in many critically engaged contemporary art practices is born out of an involvement… Continue reading Director’s Cut: March

Modern Art Oxford 2015 Annual Appeal

Modern Art Oxford

Today, we are asking you to help support Modern Art Oxford. Each year for almost 50 years, Modern Art Oxford has welcomed over 100,000 people of all ages and backgrounds to vibrant exhibitions of contemporary art. Most importantly, we do it all for free – never choosing to charge for our exhibitions. If you believe that access… Continue reading Modern Art Oxford 2015 Annual Appeal

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Ed Vaizey & Digital Oxford

On Wednesday 28 January 2015, we opened our doors to Digital Oxford, a hub bringing together technologically creative minds. Throughout the evening, we had over 300 guests mingling, learning, and most importantly, connecting. Ed Vaizey, MP for Didcot and Wantage, had an extra special message for our audience and Digital Oxford have kindly allowed us… Continue reading Ed Vaizey & Digital Oxford

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Perspectives: Myth

A night of discussion on myths and myth making from the roots of medieval tales to our collective capacity for fiction and how myths are made.

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The Making of Love is Enough: Andy Warhol & William Morris

Artist Jeremy Deller, Eric Shiner (Director of the Andy Warhol Museum), Anna Mason (Manager at the William Morris Gallery) and others discuss the preparation of Modern Art Oxford’s exhibition Love is Enough, curated by Jeremy Deller. A short film produced and directed by Jared Schiller.

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Preparations for Love is Enough

Watch as the Modern Art Oxford galleries are transformed for Love is Enough in December 2014. Love is Enough draws together iconic and rarely seen works by two giants of the 19th and 20th centuries. This unconventional combination of artists’ work is curated by Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller who cites Morris and Warhol as his two greatest… Continue reading Preparations for Love is Enough

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‘Everything Was Getting Smashed’: Three Case Studies of Play and Participation, 1965–71

A new archival research publication by our associate curator Hilary Floe looks at the themes of play and participation in 1960s and 1970s exhibition practice. The main case study is the extraordinary 1971 Popa at Moma, which featured works by David Medalla, Lygia Clark, Helio Oiticica, Li Yuan-Chia and others, and which, Floe depicts in… Continue reading ‘Everything Was Getting Smashed’: Three Case Studies of Play and Participation, 1965–71

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Love is Enough: excerpt from the catalogue

Read an excerpt of a conversation between Jeremy Deller, curator of Love is Enough, Eric Shiner, Director of the Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, and Anna Mason, Manager of the William Morris Gallery, London. The conversation took place at the University of Oxford Union, in front of an invited audience in July 2014. LiE edited catalogue essay_web

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