This Mother’s Day weekend, discover a short film by Andrei Gloria, celebrating the resilience of his mother, an agency nurse, and the power of creative curiosity in the face of uncertainty. “I wanted to celebrate my mum in this film. Her resilience, determination, and curiosity during the pandemic has been a massive inspiration to me. Her… Continue reading COVIDAMA (2020): A new film by Andrei Gloria
Category: Inspiration
National Careers Week: Tips & Advice from the MAO Team
This National Careers Week 2021 we’re sharing reflections and insights into the world of work from some of the Modern Art Oxford team. During our half-term film-making residency last month, our young artists asked members of our team about their education, careers and experiences in and outside of the world of work. What qualifications do you… Continue reading National Careers Week: Tips & Advice from the MAO Team