As our exhibition Belkis Ayón: Sikán Illuminations comes to an end, we’ve drawn together our resources and information online.
Category: Belkis Ayón
Belkis Ayón: Curators in Conversation
Curators in Conversation was recorded live on Friday 1 November 2024.
A Look Closer: How Belkis Ayón uses Gaze
In Belkis Ayón’s work, the eyes are the sole facial features depicted. Discover how through her watchful figures, Ayón redefines the gaze, using it as a channel for connection and confrontation.
A Look Closer: Hidden References in Belkis Ayón’s work
In this series, we unpick how Belkis Ayón explores themes of power, sacrifice, and gender through subtle references to art history and the religious canon.
Watch: Sikán Illuminations Short Film
Discover the secrets hidden in plain sight. Curators Corina Matamoros and Sandra García Herrera share their insight into the artistic world and distinctive iconography of Belkis Ayón.
Killed for a secret… Princess Sikán
Explore the mythology of the Abakuá and discover how artist Belkis Ayón brought Princess Sikán to life through detailed collography prints.