Valerie Asiimwe Amani has been commissioned to create a site-specific installation for Modern Art Oxford’s 2023 summer programme, Boundary Encounters. The artist is planning to use second-hand curtains to create a part of her commissioned installation is asking local audiences in Oxford to donate any curtains they are no longer using.
‘My main motivation for the curtains is inverting their use of covering the intimate/keeping strangers at a place where they can’t look in, and rather using them as a tool for creating a new shared space – using them more as warming/protecting than keeping out… I also like that curtains from different homes have observed and carry different stories and the idea of joining them is quite literally weaving together these various contexts to create something shared.’ – Valerie Asiimwe Amani
Valerie is interested in curtains which are neutral in colour – white, cream, light greens etc. However, will not be able to use lace curtains or dark coloured/patterned curtains.
If you have some curtains that you would like to donate to this artwork, please contact by Friday 7th April to arrange drop off/collection.

About Boundary Encounters
Boundary Encounters (22 July – 29 October) connects multiple perspectives, histories and disciplines in a celebration of learning as a social experience, through which communities are forged. The programme brings together creative communities from across the region and includes residencies, workshops, commissions and an interactive display of projects and events, collaboratively selected from MAO’s archives. Amani’s commission privileges the small scale, everyday interactions through which we come to know ourselves in the world, and speaks to the shared process of knowledge formation at the heart of Boundary Encounters.