In April 2020 Activating our Archives participant Katya took over the Modern Art Oxford Instagram feed for the day to share part of her ongoing contemplative diary series.
Her video work responds to the idea of information intake in the time of Coronavirus. She asks questions such as: Where does my body store the virtual information I consume during the lockdown? How to build an archive from an abstract gathering or accumulation?
In this blog post we share some of her work, which will remain as an important archive of this extraordinary time.

#activatingourarchives #pandemic #surveillance #surveillancesystems #police
#colonialvirus #netfriends #giveonelike #algorithm #dataappropriation

Stopping “We have to get used to a new normality”
#activatingourarchives #imageappropriation #colonialvirus #colonizingthebo-
dies #spanishflu #100yearslater #newnormality #pandemic2020
Find out more about Katya’s work here.
Explore Katya’s work further and follow her project as it develops via her online archive:

Modern Art Oxford’s Activating our Archives project is a live digital archiving and curating project led by artist and curator Sunil Shah, organised in collaboration with Fusion Arts Oxford. Click here to see live work surrounding the themes of storytelling, identity, communication and ownership in the digital space.