The flow of the lines by Flow artist Mark Clay

Celebrating a range of work by people across Oxfordshire, Flow is an interdisciplinary online exhibition exploring ideas and creativity. The works in the exhibition reflect individual experiences of being in creative ‘flow’.  In this piece for our blog, one of the featured artists Mark Clay tells us about his work. Suddenly finding himself in lockdown far away… Continue reading The flow of the lines by Flow artist Mark Clay

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The story of Flow: Laura Purseglove

How do you learn how to curate an exhibition when in lockdown? In this new video series follow the stories of nine curators tasked with organising Modern Art Oxford’s new online exhibition, Flow. First up, we hear from Project Lead, Laura Purseglove. Opening 4 September 2020, Flow is an online exhibition in collaboration with Oxford Brookes University,

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Drawing breath

This is a creative breath response by Caroline Areskog Jones. Tell your own breath story by taking part in Breathworks, a digital project by Lucy Sabin. drawing as breath the body as archive activated neurological pathways intersect with physical memory of action and through repetition becoming embedded, absorbed, collated into our unique physical history slowly… Continue reading Drawing breath

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Breathing Exercises

“Each stroke of the painting records a single exhaled breath.” Breathworks invites you to respond to your breath online through creativity. In our current climate, breathing has become a recurring theme, touching upon health, politics and the environments we inhabit. Artist Tania Robertson contributes to Breathworks with these dance-inspired watercolour paintings, each stroke the result of a… Continue reading Breathing Exercises

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