Rose Finn-Kelcey’s ‘Bureau de Change’ (1987) – Timelapse

Modern Art Oxford presents Life, Belief and Beyond, the first posthumous exhibition of works by the highly influential British artist, Rose Finn-Kelcey (1945–2014). Life, Belief and Beyond focuses on Finn-Kelcey’s explorations of power, performance, political commentary, and perceptions of the self, belief and spirituality. On show at Modern Art Oxford is Rose Finn-Kelcey’s striking work Bureau de Change, first created… Continue reading Rose Finn-Kelcey’s ‘Bureau de Change’ (1987) – Timelapse

Categorised as News

Laura Nicholson: CONSTANTLY TERRIFIED Live Stream

Laura Nicholson, CONSTANTLY TERRIFIED, 2017. Image by Linda Stupart

WARNING: CONTENT CONTAINS NUDITY. As part of the Platform Graduate Award 2017,  an annual award designed to nurture new artistic talent, artist Laura Nicholson is hosting a live streaming of their work CONSTANTLY TERRIFIED. “In CONSTANTLY TERRIFIED I am exploring the relationship between the embodied self and the  performative artist identity. This stream runs from 12-1… Continue reading Laura Nicholson: CONSTANTLY TERRIFIED Live Stream

Categorised as Digital

Future Knowledge Studio: Young people’s filmmaking residency

Future Knowledge Studio (29 May - 15 June 2017) © Modern Art Oxford. Photo: Stu Allsopp

As part of the exhibition Future Knowledge a group of young filmmakers aged 11-14 – all new to the art of filmmaking – considered the past, present and future of Oxford. Embracing a shared sense of inquisitiveness, play and humour they captured their own visual stories of the city that they call home. The group… Continue reading Future Knowledge Studio: Young people’s filmmaking residency