Phones: An Open Discussion – a short film by young artist Niamh

Young artist Niamh joined one of our City as Studio online film-making residencies in February 2021. The group explored DIY film and music-making techniques to create work about the issues they care about. Using some of these new techniques, Niamh created a short film about phones, media and our experience of self in the current… Continue reading Phones: An Open Discussion – a short film by young artist Niamh

Samson Kambalu wins Trafalgar Square Fourth Plinth

We are excited to announce that artist Samson Kambalu will be one of two new commissions for Trafalgar Square’s Fourth Plinth. Samson Kambalu, who has a major solo exhibition at Modern Art Oxford (22 May – 5 September 2021) presents the powerful new sculpture, Antelope for the commission. Antelope restages a 1914 photograph of the Baptist… Continue reading Samson Kambalu wins Trafalgar Square Fourth Plinth

Samson Kambalu’s proposal for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square

Samson Kambalu, Antelope – Ghost maquette for the Fourth Plinth, 2021 3D printed model Courtesy of the artist

Samson Kambalu’s proposal for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square has been revealed. Our current exhibiting artist Samson Kambalu is one of six artists shortlisted for the Fourth Plinth commission in Trafalgar Square in London. Visit our exhibition New Liberia to see a model of Antelope, the artist’s proposed sculpture for the Fourth Plinth, a sculptural restaging of… Continue reading Samson Kambalu’s proposal for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square

Read our Anti-racism Statement and Action Plan

Modern Art Oxford is committed to becoming an actively anti-racist organisation. We recognise our responsibility and accountability as a public cultural institution to combat racism in a society where it is deeply embedded. This pledge forms part of our wider commitment to those who experience discrimination, inequality and diminished opportunities in today’s society. There are many… Continue reading Read our Anti-racism Statement and Action Plan

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International Women’s Day: Liberation in Oxford by Gillian Murphy

Sally Fraser, Women's Liberation Conference, Oxford, 1970. Photograph courtesy Sally Fraser

This International Women’s Day discover a catalyst moment in the history of women and the city of Oxford. Told through an exhibition-like presentation of archival materials held in The Women’s Library, LSE, Dr Gillian Murphy, the library’s Curator for Equality, Rights and Citizenship explores the occasion of the first Women’s Liberation Conference, deemed a momentous event for women’s equality in the UK.

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Watch: #AskAnArtist – antique museum vitrines in Mariana Castillo Deball’s exhibition

Why did artist Mariana Castillo Deball choose to use antique museum vitrines to display the photographs in her exhibition? What do they teach us, and why is it important for us to think about where things come from and how they are displayed? In this short clip, Mariana tells us about the 19th century museum… Continue reading Watch: #AskAnArtist – antique museum vitrines in Mariana Castillo Deball’s exhibition

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Watch: #AskAnArtist – Mariana Castillo Deball’s textile pieces

What and who inspired Mariana Castillo Deball to make the large textile pieces in her exhibition? In this short clip, we ask Mariana about how these large swathes of fabric were made, and what traditional weaving techniques were used. She also tells us about the early female anthropologists whose lives and histories inspired the exhibition… Continue reading Watch: #AskAnArtist – Mariana Castillo Deball’s textile pieces

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Spotlight on: American explorer Matilda Coxe Stevenson

In this post we take a closer look at the life and work of American ethnologist, geologist and explorer Matilda Coxe Stevenson (1849-1915), one of the women who inspired Mariana Castillo Deball’s exhibition Between making and knowing something. Deball was inspired by the archives of four women anthropologists and makers held across the Pitt Rivers Museum… Continue reading Spotlight on: American explorer Matilda Coxe Stevenson

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